Sustainability 3 Min.
“Promote dialogue and stand up for tolerance and diversity.”

The High Representative of the UN, Miguel Angel Moratinos, and Board Member Ilka Horstmeier welcome the winners of the Intercultural Innovation Award who spend a training week at BMW Group.

A special visit for the BMW Group: Miguel Ángel Moratinos, High Representative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), was received in Munich by Ilka Horstmeier, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Human Resources and Labour Relations Director. The BMW Group has been presenting the Intercultural Innovation Award together with UNAOC for ten years. These award-winning initiatives contribute to overcoming polarisation between societies and cultures both through raising awareness and educational projects around the world. The prize-winners from November 2021 recently met for a week-long workshop in which they received professional support from the BMW Group, UNAOC and management consultancy firm Accenture.  

What is the mission of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations?  

Miguel Ángel Moratinos: UNAOC was founded as a soft political instrument of the UN Secretary-General for conflict prevention and resolution. It is a coalition against extremism, a movement to promote mutual respect between cultures, and a platform for overcoming prejudice and misunderstanding. UNAOC currently has 157 members who actively promote the work at a global, regional and local level. 

Why is the BMW Group collaborating with an organisation like UNAOC?  

Ilka Horstmeier: We are a company that is now active in around 140 markets. Employees from 110 nations work for us successfully. Interculturality and exchange across national borders are part of our everyday lives. In times of numerous conflicts and with a view to resolving crucial issues for the future, we must promote dialogue and stand up for tolerance and diversity to reduce prejudice and strengthen common ground. That’s why it is so important that we work with UNAOC. 

Why is UNAOC collaborating with private companies such as the BMW Group? 

Miguel Ángel Moratinos: UNAOC works with states, organisations, civil societies, foundations and the private sector. In view of the current pressing challenges, it is now more important than ever to take a holistic societal approach. Getting involved with the private sector and collaborating with companies like the globally active BMW Group in particular is crucial.

Ilka Horstmeier
Teilnehmende der Intercultural Innivations Award Workshopwoche
Teilnehmende der Intercultural Innivations Award Workshopwoche
Ilka Horstmeier und Teilnehmende der Intercultural Innivations Award Workshopwoche

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