BMW Group Technology Trend Radar

BMW Group Technology Trend Radar 2024.

BMW Group Technology Trend Radar

BMW Group Technology Trend Radar 2024.

What does the BMW Group Technology Trend Radar aim for?

The BMW Group Technology Trend Radar gives an insight into the most relevant cross industry tech trends that are significant for the BMW Group and the automotive industry in general.
In a rapidly changing tech environment, the BMW Group Technology Trend Radar helps us to focus on the important technologies in order to offer the most innovative products and services for our customers.

Please feel free to reach out to us.

Explore the interactive radar.

The BMW Group Technology Trend Radar maps technology trends according to their maturity and relevance. The various technology trends are therefore classified within the BMW Group Technology Trend Radar as follows:

Icon "Watch"


Trends are known and may prevail in other industries. Relevance for mobility is suspected but can not be confirmed yet.
Icon "Prepare"


Trends have an impact on mobility and must be understood by the company.
Icon "Act"


Trends have a strong impact on corporate strategy and products & services. They should be anchored in innovation field strategies.

Which trends have we focused on:

Trends that have a suspected relevance for the BMW Group in general.
Trends that serve the purpose of enabling innovations in the fields of IT, R&D and productions.
Trends that are likely to become established in the near future.

Page Overview: Technology Trend Radar