

Areas of application in the automotive industry.

  • Main areas of application: Cable harness, high-voltage storage, electric motor
  • Other areas of application: Control unit and charging infrastructure

BMW systematically analyzes globally known and typical risks in connection with the extraction and processing of raw materials and derives appropriate measures.

Analyzing risks.

  • Environmental impact of mining residues on water, soil and air, e.g. tailings and acid mine drainage
  • CO2-Emissions, especially in mining and during processing
  • Water consumption in arid (dry) areas
  • Violation of workers' rights, e.g. freedom of association
  • Violation of human rights in mining, both in industrial and small-scale mining (artisanal and small-scale mining), e.g. potential child labor in small-scale mining
  • Threats to the rights of local communities and indigenous people

Measures taken by the BMW Group.

  • Cooperation with suppliers along the supply chain to increase the proportion of secondary materials and reduce CO2-emissions and resource consumption
  • Investigation of secondary raw materials with regard to technical properties and usability in BMW Group products
  • Supply chain mapping together with suppliers, e.g. visits to cable production, copper processing and extraction sites as part of the "Cable harness pilot project"
  • Investment in innovative technologies via venture capital fund BMW Ventures, e.g. in the US start-up Jetti Resources for the extraction of copper from previously unusable resources and the processing of tailings
  • Copper pilot project (automotive industry dialog): Benefits and limits of certifications as part of human rights due diligence using the example of the copper supply chain


Page Overview: Copper