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Digital fleet management for companies.

Digital fleet management for companies.

How to get ready for the future? With digital solutions.

How to get ready for the future? With digital solutions.



Only those who know everything about their fleet are able to manage it with maximum efficiency. More information simultaneously means more room to maneuver. That’s why, with our digital solutions, you get the data you need for process optimization.

BMW Digital Fleet can promote sustainability.


Our society is in a constant state of change – and so is your mobility. For corporate fleets, too, the topic of “sustainability” is pushing further and further to the forefront. We provide you with measures for implementing your sustainability strategy, e.g. visualization of the charging behavior of your vehicle users.



Creating an individual offering is one of our most important objectives. This benefits you – with various solutions so that you can choose precisely what suits you. In addition, this benefits your employees, who are more flexible than ever before thanks to keyless vehicle access, for instance.

A driver at the wheel of his BMW. Mobility_Start_Teaser_Digitalisierung_1280x854.jpg

The future begins now. With the digitalization of your fleet.

Data availability and data utilization drive us forward – this also applies to the field of mobility. Untold application areas open up as a result of connectivity, from which you can profit as an experienced pool car manager.

Simple. Flexible. And always a step ahead.


The setup. Simple and fast.

Our components can be used flexibly and quickly. Within a short time, you’ll be starting with initial data evaluations and profiting from FLEET TRANSPARENCY as a basis for further measures.

Secure and reliable all round.

The BMW-Group-certified hardware, modular software and regular updates speak for themselves. With our solution, you are securely underway and always a step ahead. From the setup of your digital fleet and simple usability all the way to excellent customer support: We guarantee you a top-quality product experience.

The handover of keys for a BMW.

We take care.

You have our word: Based on an initial assessment of your fleet utilization, we help you to define appropriate measures – aligned to suit your individual targets. Let’s shape the path to a fully efficient fleet together.

Flexible packages. Extensible at any time.

Our offering is modular and structured so that it builds on what has gone before, because there’s one thing we know: The opportunities that present themselves to you in terms of fleet digitalization are many. We’ve got just the right offering, independent of your current level of digitalization.


The opportunities in fleet management are myriad. As are our solutions.

Our solutions adapt to suit your requirements and build on one another. As soon as you have gotten to know your fleet with our data analysis, we offer you extensions that you can use to make your fleet management even more efficient.

The right package for any requirements.



Get complete transparency about your fleet. Use our automated monitoring and take action as required when the KPIs you’ve defined are exceeded.


Manage your fleet efficiently. Offer your employees keyless service and much more.


Consulting and conceptualization for end-to-end solutions from keyless vehicle access all the way to fleet operation at your premises.

For all those who want to profit from the digitization of their fleet management.

For all those who want to profit from the digitization of their fleet management.

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